and Cultural Center. Fresh fruits and vegetables every Monday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., June through October. 1005 North Railroad Avenue, Española, New Mexico. Blog Editor: Marguerite Kearns.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
It seems like the 2022 Española Farmers Market will last a long time, but don't be fooled! We plod on during our 24th season!
We set up outdoors in the city of Espanola, New Mexico, and operate from June through October on Mondays through the end of October 2022. When many businesses have closed or are operating at partial capacity, we are adjusting. Sometimes locals order from online herb businesses for difficult to find items. One example is the Rio Grande Herb Company in Albuquerque. Do a search on your computer. There are other similar businesses. One favorite is the "Herb Booklet: A Quick Reference Booklet of Traditional Remedies" written and compiled by Gerald Lovato and Phillip Sanchez Jr.
When you get to know the growers from the Española Farmers Market, ask them about some of the unusual and for many, unrecognizable, products among their more traditional offerings. Chances are that these are wild plants and herbs
that have been popular and practical in the past. The odds are high that you either walk in or around many of these herbs daily. Connsider them for use along with other more conventional offerings. Choose wisely. You'll find out more than you ever want to know.
There are generations of people in Northern New Mexico who find traditional herbs useful for what ails them. Find out by searching the internet database. And most of all, buy locally at the Española Farmers Market. Ask questions and get to know our market family. Be more than a customer. Encourage others to become growers and consumers of fresh produce available and appreciated locally.
Two of our many friends at the Española Farmers Market:
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