Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The Espanola Farmers Market will be hosting five high school students at the Market starting Monday, June 29th. The students will be working with a rotating series of farmer/ mentors to shape and plant our forty-foot wildflower garden at the entrance to the Market. They will create eight oval beds lined with river rock, install wood chips on the garden paths and install a picket fence around the garden’s perimeters. They will also learn how to make a red worm compost and plant the garden with a variety of native and cultivated plants. The Market welcomes donations of flower bulbs or native wildflower seed anytime during the month of July. The students will work with the farmers for nine Market Mondays and also assist farmers as needed. The Wildflower Garden Project is funded by the New Mexico Community Foundation and the Pojoaque Valley Fund.

Next Monday, The Missing Parts, a blue grass band from Tucson, Arizona, will be performing at the Espanola Farmers Market from 10:30am until mid-afternoon. Visitors are invited to stop by the Market to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables, look at our wildflower garden in progress, and enjoy the music.

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