Monday, July 8, 2019

It's another year for the farmers' market blog!

We have received grants from the McCune Foundation, Rio Arriba County Lodgers Tax, Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area, and Vangart Charitable trust (Cooking Up Traditions program). The Española Farmers Market is a New Mexico not-for-profit corporation

We are collaborating with Jon Naranjo and Roxanne Swentzell's Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute to cultivate the back fields.

Our friends have been loyal in the past, and they keep returning. We've been blogging since 2007. We opened a week early in 2019. What a treat.

Every year the Española Farmers Market opens the season with a bang in June and with another celebration in October to close the season. Weekly, the regular Monday market is the same from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

When you visit next, help us celebrate another year of the market blog. We get the word out about the weekly market during the growing season. The market has been ongoing for more than two decades.

The Espanola Farmers Market is the place to go for fun and food. Not to mention the hospitality, special programs, and events.

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