Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Española Farmers Market is gearing up for the season!

Here is an example of the many resources out there for New Mexicans and their farmers' markets! 

Are you looking for a homemade gift that will be treasured today and well into the future? Pass on your great recipes to the next generation and beyond. 

 What about a cookbook that features the fresh produce bought at the Española Farmers Market? Think about it. You can even raise funds for your family or organization by printing your own cookbook, Northern New Mexico style.

We're hoping to make available some of the special events you can expect at the Española Farmers Market. The pandemic has made many changes and gradually we're settling into a new routine. We'll keep you posted as we find out more.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The farmers' market season started off slow (as usual) and then it picks up speed!

We've been open for the season since Monday, June 7th in 2021.

Yes, we're keeping up with the changing requirements and the good news is that we're optimistic as ever about this season moving forward.

People from all over the world have shared some of our memories of the Española Farmers Market. Here's a trailer from "Films for Change," an international film platform during 2020.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What you need to know about the Española Farmers Market in June 2021!


We still are not sure about how our schedule for the 2021 Española Farmers Market will play itself out. We're waiting to find out. Check with the blog for on going announcements.

AND TAKE HEART! Count on the usual availability of SNAP and DoubleUp food bucks.


The first thing is to get used to Mondays being THE DAY to plan for at the Española Farmers Market.

Find out why Sabra Moore has been the manager of the Española Farmers Market for so many years. We're running this video of her presentation in 2020.